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Bespoke International Matchmaking

Bespoke International Matchmaking



BESPoke international matchmaking

At first we were skeptical, yes.  But then we met the mother daughter team behind this most exclusive and private matchmaking agency with a quarter century of success as seen on SECRET LIVES OF THE SUPER RICH, NBC, BRAVO, OWN, PLAYBOY, MARIE CLAIRE, and DR PHIL.  We became believers. 

What an incredible way to merge communication, lifestyle, and networking? Thus, The Communication Studio has been partnered with Elite Connections International for seven years successfully matching exceptional single ladies and gentlemen seeking love and adventure. We have had marriages, engagements, move ins, and most recently a joint puppy adoption!



During the pandemic Claudia successfully unveiled the launch of a new transformational coaching program for women which was taught on Zoom over 9 months and focused on self love, love and relationships, and love of what to create in this life. Many of the women have gone on to launch new ventures, including artistic and entrepreneurial ventures!

She also coaches private clients on love and relationships, removing blocks to love and intimacy, transformation, addictions, and confidence building.

Most recently, she was approached by the Emmy winning producers of Queer Eye and Vanderbilt Rules to coach a young man who needed help with his love life for a pilot for HBO Max. She coached him on camera and supported his transformation together with his family. Additionally, she made a guest appearance on a new reality series which will air in 2023 on a major streaming network to be announced soon!


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Claudia spearheads business development for Everybody Water targeting Miami and Los Angeles. Everybody Water is a company with a mission to help people gain access to their most basic need: clean water. Without running water in their homes, millions of women & girls are spending their time collecting water instead of attending school, earning incomes, and pursuing their dreams. Everybody Water believes only solutions that include household access can make a critical difference in impacting the lives of women & girls.

She is excited to announce that Everybody Water has secured distribution at Green Monkey Yoga, The Rubell Museum, The Standard, and was the official water for Miami Swim Week 2022!